Private Wealth

Exclusive solutions for your wealth

Our Private Wealth business area is characterized by a broad spectrum of tailor-made services to meet the financial needs and wishes of our clients. A key component is the personal support provided by our experienced Private Wealth Managers. We offer holistic financial planning. This includes investment strategies, liquidity planning, estate planning and risk management. Our experts use access to a wide range of investment products, including equities, bonds, investment funds, alternative investments and structured products, to enable a diversified portfolio allocation. Our ultimate goal is to add value and become a long-term partner to our clients in meeting their goals and aspirations.


Personal support from our experienced wealth and portfolio managers is a key component of our service.

  • Photo shows Roman Weißkopf

    Roman Weißkopf

    • Leiter Private Wealth Management
    • Private Wealth Manager
    • Portfoliomanager
  • Photo shows Ralph Roth

    Ralph Roth

    • Partner
    • Private Wealth Manager
    • Portfoliomanager
  • Photo shows Hajo Meilen

    Hajo Meilen

    • Partner
    • Private Wealth Manager
    • Portfoliomanager
  • Photo shows Marie-Claire Achenne

    Marie-Claire Achenne

    • Partner
    • Private Wealth Managerin
    • Porfoliomanagerin
  • Photo shows Sylvain Stork

    Sylvain Stork

    • Partner
    • Private Wealth Manager
    • Portfoliomanager
  • Photo shows Martina Roensch

    Martina Roensch

    • Private Wealth Managerin
    • Portfoliomanagerin
  • Photo shows Ina Berger

    Ina Berger

    • Partner
    • Private Wealth Managerin
    • Portfoliomanagerin